Daniel K. Yom




President’s Welcome


Dear Student,

Greetings from Tyndale International Seminary in the glorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Tyndale International Seminary exists to bring glory to God through excellence in theological education centered on Christ, faithful to the Scriptures, and rooted in the Reformed tradition, with the aim of equipping Christian leaders who serve the church and advance the kingdom of God throughout the world.

Evangelical pastors in our changing times have abandoned their traditional role as ministers of the Word to become therapists and managers of the churches.

They have abandoned genuine Christianity and biblical truth in favor of the sort of inner-directed experiential religion that now pervades globally. The apostle Paul said it well, “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.”

Tyndale International Seminary, as an academic community of faith, is committed to producing pastors and leaders who stand on the inerrant Word of God and faithfully exalt Christ as the center of the Scriptures. To that end, our curriculum focuses on the tools and skills necessary to handle the Word carefully and engage in a lifetime of learning and growing in the Word.

If you want to study with professors committed to the Scriptures and sound theology, with extensive ministry experience and a commitment to give you the best possible preparation for ministry, alongside gifted, consecrated fellow students who are preparing to become pastors church planters, missionaries, campus ministers, counselors, educators and more, then TIS is the place for you.

The scholarship opportunities available to students in TIS are another unique and wonderful feature of education here. We hope you will schedule a call to learn more about the application process and financial aid options. May the Lord richly bless you.

Dr. Daniel K. Yom

President, Tyndale International Theological Seminary

Professor of New Testament and Apologetics

Have Any Questions?

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