Daniel K. Yom
President’s Welcome
Greetings from Tyndale International Seminary in the glorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
It is with great joy that I welcome you to Tyndale International Seminary, where our mission is to bring glory to God through excellence in theological education, equipping Christian leaders who serve the church and advance the Kingdom of God throughout the world.
We live in times when many evangelical pastors have strayed from their traditional roles as ministers of the Word, often becoming more like managers and therapists. As the apostle Paul warned prophetically, men do not put up with sound doctrine and turn their ears away from the truth (2 Tim. 4:3-4).
At Tyndale International Seminary, we take this warning to heart. We are committed to the Reformed theological education, based upon the authority of the inerrant Word of God, faithfully exalting Christ as the focal point of the Scriptures. Our curriculum is also designed to provide you with the essential tools and skills to engage with the Word thoughtfully, preparing you for a lifetime learning and service.
If you are eager to study alongside professors who are deeply committed to the Scriptures and sound theology, alongside consecrated fellow students preparing to become pastors, church planters, missionaries, counselors, educators, and more, then Tyndale International Seminary is the right place for you.
I also want to highlight the unique scholarship opportunities available to our students. We invite you to schedule a call to learn more about the application process and financial aid options that can support your educational journey.
May the Lord richly bless you as you embark on this transformative chapter at Tyndale International Seminary. We are excited to walk alongside you in this journey of faith and learning.
Dr. Daniel K. Yom
President, TIS
Professor of New Testament and Apologetics