Daniel C. Ji
President’s Welcome
Tyndale International Theological Seminary was established based upon Reformed Calvinism and faith based on conservative teaching. We are commissioned to foster and produce faithful and truthful leaders in our societies and churches. In this diversified generation, we can’t speak enough of how crucial and significant education.
Education is a tool/instrument that helps us to realize, develop, and improve our individual talents that God has bestowed upon us. And the ultimate goal for the education is to become somebody who is needed and important. Additionally, we all have a privilege and right to be educated.
Tyndale International Theological Seminary exists for that particular purpose and aim. This is an education that advances and moves forward from Christian mind to conservative reformed Calvinism grounded on reformed theology and faith derived from the Scriptures. I, this nation, and this generation will labor and toil as the lighthouse that shines the light in this world and as the salt that protects the world from deteriorating and decaying.
Tyndale International Theological Seminary will eagerly assist and contribute to those who passionately longing for education but unable to pursue their goals due to their jobs and environmental situation that they are in. We plan to have night classes and other ways/methods to help them accomplish their dreams.
“And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” (Jn. 8:32).
Daniel C. Ji, D.R.E., Th.D.